One Time Purge Paper Shredding & Hard Drive destruction:
One time purge services are required to destroy documents in storage that have met retention dates or when you need to clean office files. Our shred trucks shred 5000 lbs/hr or 170 banker boxes/hr allowing for quick destruction. If you have a trash bag of documents or a storage unit with hundreds of boxes we are eager to earn your business by saving you time and money over other services.
It is as easy as these four steps:
Routine Secure Collection Container Service:
Save 20% over paper shredding in-house and reduce liability risk by using our routine secure collection container service. Operating an office shredder is a mundane and distasteful task resulting in many documents that were supposed to be shredded, being thrown in the trash. Also, “seventy percent of information theft is committed by insiders, such as temporary workers, contract workers, disgruntled employees and people moving to other companies” (Business Week 1998). In today’s business environment, companies are required to take every precaution to protect individual’s personal and/or company trade information. Businesses have an “implied contract” to protect the sensitive information that they routinely gather in order to conduct business. The casual discarding of information exposes customers to the threat of “Identity Theft” and other fraud. Consumers have the legal right to expect you to take every precaution to protect their sensitive data, including shredding it before it is discarded. The Supreme Court has ruled that anything thrown into the trash becomes public domain and anyone has the right to simply take it. Protect your company and client’s information, your reputation and comply with government regulations by using Crowe Shredding and our routine secure collection container service.
It’s as easy as these five steps:
Video of documents being dumped and shredded by secure shred truck.
Public Shred or Community Shred Services:
Sponsor a shred day for your clients or the community as a great way to market your business. Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the world and our service is invaluable for the greater community to allow families to destroy confidential documents. Provide a valued paper shredding service to the community and introduce your business to those who take advantage of the shred event.
Specialty Shredding Services:
We have the capability of destroying many types of confidential or sensitive media: Credit Cards Compact Disks or CD’s Floppy Disk Microfilm Video Tapes Photographs X-Rays Hard Drives Uniforms Empty medicine or script containers. Shred-it all with Crowe Shredding.
Recycling Services:
- All Shredded Waste is Recycled Locally!
- We offer collection totes to allow clients to recycle all non confidential paper waste for recycling.
- Every ton of shredded paper recycled saves 17 trees from harvest and 3.12 Cu/ft from the landfill. Crowe Shredding recycles greater than 500 tons of shredded paper each year and with our continued success we will double that number in the near future.
- Join us as Green members of the local community and recycle your paper waste with our environmentally friendly service.
- Shredit all with Crowe Shredding!